Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas 2013

Hello everyone! Drew here!
I thought I would take a turn this year for the Christmas letter. I saw the one Mommy wrote last year and between you and me it was PRETTY dull.
So here we go! My 2013 Christmas letter!!!
Mommy’s life has pretty much revolved around me, so I think we can all agree that life is grand! :) She is finishing up her Office Certificate at City College while working at the Jackets and Co bookstore at MSU-B.  She was given a work study position and a Pell grant to help her cover her college expenses. She was thankful for the help, and so was Papa! J I’m so proud of her! This spring she will begin working on a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management.
Uncle Jeff, moved back to Billings this summer and is attending Montana State University Billings also in the Business Management program, but he will also earn a minor in Psychology. He has been working at Abercrombie and Fitch and has enjoyed it, but I think he is excited to start a “big person” job soon.
Nana and Papa are going great! Papa’s new ministry is soaring! His office is in our basement, which I really enjoy. I make sure he gets lots of good distractions! Nana sometimes helps him with some secretarial things, but her main job is to make sure that I’m keeping out of trouble! She is such a blessing to me and my mom.
I guess that leaves me. Being 2.5 years old sometimes gets me into trouble. I thought Vaseline on the TV screen would be fine. Mom thought differently! I thought drawing on the hardwood floor with crayon would demonstrate my creative prowess! That one got shut down really fast. I love playing in the backyard with my best friend, Dawson, my grandparent’s dog. I love everything that has sirens, like fire trucks and police cars. However, dumping everything out on the floor is my utmost favorite thing to do. I like to help Mommy and Nana…or at least look like I’m helping…even though we all know I’m playing. I also enjoy “pwaying” basketball with anyone who will pway with me. My new favorite saying is: “So, Mom…” I love having conversations with my family. My favorite stuffed animal would be Curious George. He and I are inseparable! Uncle Jeff thought I needed him and boy was he right!
We had my first trip to the cabin this summer with some dear friends from Minnesota. It was tons of fun! I loved all of the attention I got. During this trip, we went to Yellowstone Park where I got to experience Old Faithful. WOW! I had so much fun! All of the driving did get old, but I was a champ! We took another trip to the cabin over Labor Day weekend, and I saw my first black bear! I loved “pwaying” by the creek, throwing rocks, and going to the Beartooth Nature Center. Seeing the animals was such a blast! I also participated in Mommy and Me swimming lessons. I enjoyed the water and learning how to become a better fish! I love the water and can’t wait for future lessons.
We wish for you a wonderful Christmas season and a blessed New Year!

Drew and Mommy, too!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Letter 2012

Dear Friends and Family,
Has this year flown by! I am still amazed how fast it has gone and how much has happened.This year has been a difficult year for our family, but we are so thankful for God and his faithfulness. Steve and I have been separated since last February, and Andrew and I are living with my parent’s for the time being. Please join us in prayer as we seek God in this difficult time!
Andrew has been such a blessing to us and is growing so fast! He has brought so much joy to us in the last year and a half! He went from baby to little man over night! He loves to run and run and plays constantly with his toy guns and balls. He has a “great arm” for a boy his age. He loves to hold our hands when we pray for our meals or at night before we go to bed. After we are finished praying, he says, “Men!” He loves his grandparent’s dog and gives him the sweetest hugs. They run around the house all the time. His vocabulary is growing; it seems like he says a new word every day.
My brother, Jeff, is in Bozeman this year as a freshman at Montana State University Bozeman and is currently seeking a degree in Business Management. He really enjoys it and is working for Rosa’s Pizza.
My parents are doing great! Dad started a new ministry called Relational Wisdom 360 or RW360. Check out his website; it is listed above with our contact information. My mom is doing geat! Her cancer is fully gone! Praise God! They both are taking care of Andrew for me during the day while I am working and going to school.
I am curently taking classes at City College here in Billings. I am in their Business program and really enjoy it! It is a better fit than nursing was. I am also working for Peacemaker Ministries and I love putting what I am learning into practice.
We hope you have a blessed holiday season!
Megan and Andrew

Sunday, August 12, 2012


The past few weeks have been so hard, but very healing, too! You never want to have a child go to heaven, but we are so thankful that Easton is in heaven and that he is looking down on us.

Andrew has been a complete joy during this time. He seems to understand that something isn't right, so he has been extremely cuddly and giving tons of kisses. He will bring his monkey over to me and just cuddle with me and his monkey. 

Steve and I have been doing better. We have been drawing closer together instead of pulling apart. I'm so thankful that I have him! I wouldn't know what I would do without him. He is such a good daddy to our Monkey. 

This week was my first week back at work. It was so hard! Not everyone knew what happened which helped, but they people who knew it was harder to talk to them about it. It helped going to CR this Friday and just talk to the girls and just have their support. 

Mom and Dad have been travelling a lot this summer. I am so glad that they are able to travel together, but Andrew really misses them when they are gone. 

Jeff leaves for college on the 22nd! How did the summer fly by?! I am so excited for him, but going to miss him so much!

I am so thankful for my family and the healing that God gives us over time! So thankful for my God! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It is Well with my Soul

This is from my journal entries from this last week. They are very personal and the cries from the depths of my soul! I want this to help other people who are going through this, so please feel free to pass this along! 

I've been staring at this page for almost a hour now. I'm not sure how i'm feeling except hurt. Ok, hurt is an understatement. I feel like God, doesn't care at all, like I'm a horrible mother, that nobody understands, and that I am the only mother who had a miscarriage and then had to have a D & C. I've been telling Steve it isn't fair and that we had a healthy pregnancy before and so why can't we have another healthy baby.

It all started on Sunday the 22nd of July. (Yes, this was recent, but a good friend of mine suggested that i write this down and share it with other friends.) Steve and I were supposed to go boating just the two of us with his Sponsor and his family. It is amazing how God works because i really didn't need to go to the bathroom, but felt that i should since with this pregnancy I've been going to the bathroom a whole lot more than i did with Monkey. When I arrived i noticed blood was everywhere! I called Steve and he told me to come outside so i could call the Health Line to see what they would suggest doing since we were leaving town. The nurse was less than helpful and said to just lay down. Steve and I weighed out our options and decided that we were going to head to the ER since this was a heavy bleed instead of a light period.

After all of the tests, and my great team of Dr.'s and nurses they came to the conclusion that I was in the process of having a miscarriage. I am an emotional person but I don't like strangers seeing my tears or my sobs, but there was nothing I could do to control the hurt. We both cried. One a little bit louder than the other, but we still did.  After the Dr. gave us some privacy, she came back in and explained a little bit more. She wanted me to do it naturally because everything seemed to be ok with my body.

As we were waiting for further instruction, what were the next steps etc. We called my parents and they came rushing down to the ER where they prayed, read scripture to us, and cried. My Patient Care Tech was also a believer and saw my parents praying in the hallway and my dad reading to my mom. He offered them so much kindness and loving Godly words. Then one of the nurses who I knew from several visits and also a friend came in and read scripture. He also told us that it was Okay to show our emotions and that this was no little things going on. What an encouraging friend!!!

Monday: I was supposed to have my first visit with Dr. M. This is when we were given a little bit of hope. My OB is so wonderful! She is one of the most sympathetic Dr's I know. She helped us understand a little bit better what was going on. She said that this could turn around and still be a healthy pregnancy. It was so hard for me to be happy after what I was told the night before. She wanted to wait a week to see if the baby would grow or if it was slowly passing away. The ultrasound from Sunday showed that I was only 6 weeks pregnant instead of 9. She tells me is cramps get worse and bleeding continues to get worse to go to the ER right away.

Monday Night: Cramping gets worse and so does bleeding. By this time i really don't want to go to the ER again but the Health Line nurse really suggested it. We went in and by the time i got there the bleeding had slowed down and i was wanting to go home instead of getting poked with needles again. Thank God i didn't need to this time. I was also getting really stressed out because i wanted them to tell me what to do so i wouldn't be in so much pain any more.

Tuesday: Went okay except for the fact that the bleeding doesn't slow down but gets worse with every hour. So do the cramps. My stubborn self told everyone in my family that we weren't going in again. At first things were getting better and i was getting excited that i was going to be able to do this the natural way. Throughout the night the pain just kept getting worse and worse.

Wednesday: Woke up at 11am because i couldn't sleep the night before because i was in so much pain. They are the worse contraction i have ever been through. I called Dr. M's nurse who is also wonderful! She said it was the time and that it would only get worse before it got better. The best thing a could do was breathe and try to keep ahead of the pain. By 3pm it only gets worse. I was lying on the couch just rocking back and forth and breathing and trying to go to happy places.

Thursday: Slept till noon again because contractions are really out of control and so if the bleeding. The one praise we had so no more egg like clots!!! By today, I am cranky and way to emotional and really want this to be over with. My mom and i talk and we both agree to call Dr. M's nurse again and she what she says since the weekend is rapidly approaching. She says that isn't a good sign and to head to the ER again. I wasn't  excited to go through all of the procedures again. The nice thing was that i had my mom there and also Steve. Thankfully, the blood doesn't slow down so the Dr.'s can have a better picture of whats going on.  The nice thing was i had the same Patient Care Tech again! They see no improvement in baby or the situation. This is the second time we haven't seen our little man. This is the most heart breaking moment of the day. Thankfully, they talk to the OB on call and get his opinion on the situation. He said to go home for the night and then call the next morning to see if he could get me in, so he could take a closer look.

Friday: My loving mother calls at 830am and talks to his nurse and said that he could fit me in at 1040. I was over joyed! She told her that i couldn't eat or drink anything until the fully knew what was going on. We arrive right on time. The hardest part for me was the waiting which seemed to take forever and also not having my husband with me. Thank God for my mom! This was my first time meeting Dr. R. He was so helpful and listened to all of my questions and concerns.  He explained that since two ultrasounds confirmed that their wasn't any change in our little man that the safest way to find out would be to do a very painful examination and then go from there. This was my first time to see our little man! My heart broke and mommy mode kicked in high gears. My cervix was fully opened but the concern was that i wasn't passing anything. He finished and was able to help the process along but wanted to do a D & C to make sure everything was out so it wouldn't cause any infection, and that the pain would subside. Before i knew it, I was checked in to the OR,, prepped, and waiting to head into the OR room. The wonderful thing was that my mom was able to be with me until the wheeled me into surgery. On the way in, i saw Dr M who came over and talked to me and said how sorry she was for our loss. Dr R came in and said that he was ready and just needed me to tell him more about Grey's Anatomy. I remember telling him about McDreamie but that was it. 45min later i was in recovery with no contractions but just cramps. I was alone when i woke up because the nurse was helping a patient right next to me. All i wanted was my mommy, daddy, monkey, and husband. Dr R. was still writing his notes when i woke up and he came over to talk to me. He said everything went well and that he only had to remove the placenta. It seemed like an eternity before i was able to go to post op. Oh, how happy i was to see my mom and that i was able to drink water and eat soft foods.

Tonight has been so extremely hard. Steve and I weren't getting our hopes up, but we prayed our hearts out for a miracle. Steve kept telling me that even tho it is hard that we should be thankful that we didn't go to full term and have our son to hold for a few moments before the worse could have happened.

On our way home on Sunday, Steve started signing: It is Well with My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford. I was hurt that he would sign something like this at this time, but it was what he and i both needed at that moment. We both keep going back to this song and keep reminding ourselves that this wasn't out of God's control. He had a reason and even though it feels like a knife is being driven through my heart He is my comforter!!! As our great friend's S and S say: " Your testimony keeps getting better and better!" Yes, it is so true! Steve and i have never been this close before! Only by the grace of God knew what it would take.

We love you so very much and we can't wait to meet you in heaven someday!!! Fly with the Eagles our dear son! Your family never knew you but you were already so loved be all who knew about you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I’ve had my next blog entry in my mind for the past three weeks, but today I’m sitting at the computer drawing a blank. So much is going on in our lives, but it just seems so overwhelming when I sit down each time at the computer. 

Steve has been in Drug Court for three months and it seems to be going really well. He still has 15months left but it seems better than the 18months…Ok maybe it DOES seem forever! He is still working on construction, but he needs to find a better job, so we can get a new place to live, a car/truck, and just survive on a better salary. He loves being a daddy and loves teaching his son new things. 

Andrew turned 15months on Sunday!!! Every time I look at him I can’t believe how big he is getting. I always ask what happened to my lil baby! I miss the cuddles and always wanting his mommy. Then I was reminded this past weekend when he wanted his mommy so much because his tooth hurt so bad. When he teethed with the other eight he did great! He had a molar that finally popped through, but all he wanted was his mommy. It made me feel great because he wanted me and only me!!! He also started walking on Friday, the 13th. It is so adorable! Once again, I can’t believe he is so big! He walks when he wants to and also will walk a long ways if no one is making a big deal out of it. Once someone Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jeff, or his parents, he will fall down and start laughing. O, Andrew Charles how I love you so very much! 

I’ve been doing great! I’m still working at PM which is fun and then will start working for RW part time, too. Both are part time which is so nice and then I can still spend some time with my little man. I can’t imagine my life without Andrew! It would be so empty. I miss him so very much when I am away from him. We both get so excited when we see each other after a long day. J Steve and I are doing well. I need to remember to let God do the work in Steve and not me. God is Steve’s Savior not me. I need to step aside and let God do His work in Him. I’ve been realizing that I am CODEPENTENT! See, I’m not scared to admit it anymore! I need to take care of myself and Andrew! 

The other BIG NEWS we have is that Baby Jones #2 is due February 23, 2013! It doesn’t seem like the right time to have another baby, but I know God has a plan for this baby and us! That is such a huge load off of my mind! We are praying for a girl, but I’m not sure how I would do with a girl since I’m so use to a boy. We have a girl name picked out, but still have no boy name. At least with have 7 months to figure that out! 

A quote I keep thinking about is: God is good ALL the time!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

You Wont's Relent by Jesus Culture

So much has happened since i last posted but this about sums it up! 

You won't relent until you have it all
My heart is yours

I'll set You as a seal upon my heart
As a seal upon my arm
For there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy demanding as the grave
Many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one- Jesus Culture

There is nothing that this family wants or needs more! We need more of Jesus and less of us! This is the Jones' family prayer! There is nothing we want more than Jesus! We need Jesus to be the flame of our hearts! No one else! 

So my friends PLEASE pray for us daily that we would trust in Jesus and follow him no matter what!!! He is our King! The only one we all should live for because HE is so glorious! 

The Jones Crew

Saturday, March 24, 2012


This past year has been filled with many blessings and also many trials. Blessings: Andrew being such a joy, Andrew talking, my mom surviving cancer, my mom having a successful back surgery, and tons more! Trials: My mom being diagnosed with breast cancer, mom having back surgery, separating from Steve. I sit back and look back at the past year and am shocked how so much has changed. I never thought my life would take this turn.

My comfort this past month and year has been that God knew that all of this was going to happen and it wasn't surprising to him. Last night as i was wanting to complain and freak out about what has happened i was leaning on Jer 29:11.

As the future looks so unknown, I am taking comfort in my God who knows how i feel and how my life and Andrew's will pan out.